Sunday, March 14, 2010

note to Andrea

One item i wanted to mention re this class, is compared to other 'in person' classes i take, i don't have as much opportunity to 'put my hand on the pulse' of "where i am at,... doing well??, keeping up??, off track??, on course??,. I feel i have learned and made progress, but no way to check that progress. If you have thoughts on that you could email to my personal email, (as before).

Summary - addendum

One other thing that i like this blog for, is to be used for electronic notetaking, where ever i visit, (even when i don't have my personal laptop) i have access to info i have studied or written about. Like a world wide virtual (personal) reference tool.
Great class, Thank you so much, Andrea.
Larry Bernal

Summary - UNIT 10

As said before, this assignment was a tough one for me, i guess it was just my day to have my desktop (and internet connection) go bonkers!!
Through out this online class, and especially this unit, i have discovered new tools and websites to learn the new tools. Searching the internet, and other databases more deeply was a nice leap to a new platuea of knowledge. the boolean connectors, references, and site feedback all opened new avenues for higher quality searches, and research in general, both academic and personal use. I had heard of blogs, and read one or two, but now that i actually created one and use it (albeit, just as the journal for this class), i have a bit more of an understanding on what one is, how it is created, and updated daily, etc. It will give me a 'behind the scenes knowledge of a blog (especially) the more popular ones, and a greater appreciation for the amount of work that goes into it. The blog though, seemed easy compared to creating this website (lbernal.html), not necessarily the steps themselves, but navigating so many tabs, pages, just to make it happen. Then, the page itself is quite 'elementary', (obviously). But it has satisfied my curiosity as to how a webpage is made.(( When the need arises (say for a business,)i probably will be able to have a more input on it's design, even if contracted out.)) Designed on my desktop, (w/out and net connection,using browser as a quality check)and then finding a server to put it on to share on the net, and/or web. One of the greater lessons i perceived is how the internet can not only keep me connected to vast amounts of information, but 'I' personally have the opportunity to have a say in the 'bigger' discussion if i so choose. Sometimes, we individually feel powerless to make changes in our big wide world, but these tools give me (and others) a chance to be heard/and to influence possibly a greater number of people both by informing, disseminating, but also connecting, finding like minded or motivated people who share some of my own passions, issues, or interests. This class, and the tools i learned about and will use in the near future(with lots more pratice) meshed nicely with another class i take this quarter: namely "Motivational and Study Skills" which puts emphasis on 'Employing Interdepence" as a skill to help me succeed.

Link to my webpage - Larry Bernal

Success finally, this one was like pulling teeth, sorry to say, but i persevered with all my hair intact. here is the link:

Unit 10 - Notes

This unit gave me lots of problems. my internet connection was spotty tonight, and having 4 tabs open simultaneously was a challenge for this older (xp) computer, with a (recently installed) 'CLEAR' internet connection. i persevered thru each problem and made slow progress, finally getting thru to filezilla log-on, clicked my file, then "upload" and lost my connection, again. So here we go "again".

note to Andrea B.

tried to copy/paste my notepad file (lbernal.html) to this box for your viewing but goa an error msg. = "html tag is broken",,, i'll keep trying.. Larry b.

note to Andrea B.

Hi Andrea,
I'm having troubles downloading 'Filezilla' client, and opening it. it is now about 6:25 pm (sun 3=10), i have a 2 hr. ( must)mtg to attend between 7-9p. i will attempt later tonight. Larry b.