Friday, January 15, 2010


Hello Big wide world, this is my very first blog!! woo hoo!!
Larry Bernal is looking forward to communicating with the virtual, and otherwise somewhere out there.


  1. Research Journal Part 1
    Exploring Topics

    step 1: I have 4 tabs open on Internet Explorer, (i am not familiar w/ Firefox)

    step 2: Tab 4 is open to my new blogspot, "thirdschool"

    step 3: opened tab 3 to Clark Library site, and found IRIS tutorial link. (found the 'glossary' link at the bottom left of page.)
    i began 1st tutorial re: Explore Topics
    my choice for the topic will be Issac Newton (in general), and may refine that more later.
    the choice is relative to another class i have at Clark, Physical Science 101

  2. Within 'explore topicc', i like the suggestion... scan credible news sites, i had not thought about that, and IDEA (intl. debate educ. assoc.) was another new source i encountered. Collecting background info is already a technique i'm versed in, but surprised the statement that it is not the same as research, (from ttrl).
    I like the 'brainstorming' tip, and Mind Map, a friend of mine (amy) showed me this one, first term (eng comp)
    This is good, turn my topic into a "Question"

    i am copying this quote from IRIS, for my own purpose...
    "it is likely your research question might refocus or change.

    I scored 80% on the quiz.
    This tutorial is complete.
    Larry Bernal
