Sunday, January 31, 2010


In summary, i found so many new sources, or data base(s) to look for material on any given subject, as well as good practice in general in using a database search, which includes much more than just keywords, but also other fields, including related material, author info, credibility info which helps to verify validity of source material, and more links to play with to find other related, or even non-related subject matter. fascinating exercise, seems limitless for finding good material, and more places and ways to find it. Larry B.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you explored some new resources and learned how useful they can be.

    Identifying and using subject headings to help refine your topic is a valuable skill. In your search, there isn't too much wiggle room, but if you are searching less specific topics, the subject headings can be used to refine and hone in on your topic. You'll see a bit more what I mean in next weeks lesson on Boolean searching.
